During this pandemic season, physical distancing has become the new normal. However, we still need relational connections to help us grow and thrive in these challenging times.
Recently, I have found myself craving more physical, social and professional interaction. I truly value my social connections, as I tend to draw energy from being around people who are positive and uplifting. Cultivating a connection with others that is distant yet close is something I am working on because I realize how important it is for personal growth.
Here are four things I'd like to share, which are helping me stay focused:
- Being of service to others - Joy is found in serving a greater cause than self. Being kind and generous even with the little that you have sparks joy.
- Connecting regularly with my social networks who energise me by sharing my stories, articles, and videos.
- Self-care activities - Prayer, Exercise, Fun (PEF). Building and maintaining a strong mindset by focusing on things that produce positive emotions. I try to connect with nature, do something fun and pray every day.
- Daily gratitude - Being grateful for simple things like breathing clean air or staying connected via technology.
How are you cultivating a connection with yourself and others to remain grounded during this pandemic season?